Mozart Rekviem Speak

Rap with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra Together with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, the Södra Latin Chamber Choir and three eighth-graders from Stockholm County, the rapper Adam Baptiste/ADL will perform Mozart’s powerful Requiem, interwoven with the students’ thoughts on life and death rapped between Mozart’s movements. Mozart’s Requiem was written in 1791. Idea and

100 years of school concerts

Dirigent: Katarina Andreasson Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, Kids & family We are celebrating 100 years of school concerts To celebrate 100 years of school concerts, we invite listeners to an especially festive anniversary concert! Recommended from 5 years old.

Till fots

En musikberättelse med Göteborgs Symfoniker och en stor barnkör om att lämna det som en gång var ”hemma”. För mellanstadiet. Dirigent: Katarina Andreasson PDF: Familjekonsert- Till fots | Göteborgs konserthus