Mozart Rekviem Speak
Rap with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra Together with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, the Södra Latin Chamber Choir and three eighth-graders from Stockholm County, the rapper Adam Baptiste/ADL will perform Mozart’s powerful Requiem, interwoven with the students’ thoughts on life and death rapped between Mozart’s movements. Mozart’s Requiem was written in 1791. Idea and …
100 years of school concerts
Dirigent: Katarina Andreasson Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, Kids & family We are celebrating 100 years of school concerts To celebrate 100 years of school concerts, we invite listeners to an especially festive anniversary concert! Recommended from 5 years old.
Till fots
En musikberättelse med Göteborgs Symfoniker och en stor barnkör om att lämna det som en gång var ”hemma”. För mellanstadiet. Dirigent: Katarina Andreasson PDF: Familjekonsert- Till fots | Göteborgs konserthus